Saturday, December 8, 2007

Working on my R2 essays and trying not to think too much....

My research on my R2 schools (Columbia, Ross and Yale) is done and I have started working on the essays silently.

Sometimes it is difficult to stay motivated, when you are anxiously awaiting an interview call and have already had a ding from two univs. Every time you hear about a fellow blogger receiving an interview invite you are happy, but then sad at the same time. "When will I get that much awaited call??" But then is there anything you can do about it?

As a very close friend of mine told my girlfriend- "Tell him to focus on the process and not on the results. Let him give his best and make the process better". I am trying hard to follow this advice. Though, easier said/blogged than done!

Let's see what future has in store!


ruche said...

I am in the same boat as you..Got ding from Kellogg..But still I am trying to concentrate for R2..So keep trying..

Anonymous said...

remember the bhagwadgita:
karm kar, phal ki chinta mat kar
it's difficult but while writing essays, the only way that works
once submitted u can start worrying :-)