Tuesday, August 7, 2007


So finally I have a couple of small but important accomplishments to be content about!

First, I am all set with my three recommendors. I was already sure about one of them and had talked to him earlier about giving me a solid recco. However, though I had the other two in mind, I was yet to break the ice with them till last week.

I had sent an email to one of them who is not based in India and was waiting for a response. He is a REALLY busy person and thus I had been patient for a week. Finally, I got a response from him on Monday saying -" I thought I had already responded to your request. I will be delighted to recommend you!". The other recommendor my boss had some clue about my MBA dreams, as I had informed him about my GMAT score right after my exam- I didn't want him to get the news from a third party! So last Friday, I walked up to him and asked him if he was okay with the idea of giving me a solid recommendation? He said "Sure".....sighhhhhh! He wanted to know what will it take from him to which I responded that I will get back to him shortly. I let him know that this meeting was primarily to know if he was willing to give me a solid recommendation. I wanted this meeting short to give him some time for the idea to sink in.

I always knew that these were the three people who I wanted a recco from. All of them really like me a lot but I did not want to assume that they would be equally willing to recommend me as well. Now, that all of them have confirmed I am happy.

I think the toughest person to ask a recommendation is your boss. No matter how much he likes you, it becomes really awkward to walk up to him and ask for a recco. After all if you are good resource , no one wants to loose you. But guess it is a part of this roller coaster journey.

Second, I have finally finished my life sketch. Its a whooping 17 pages on MS Word!! With everything in front of me, its high time I start my actually essays. I am assuming this will make my life a lot easier with the essays- let us see :)

Oh my god.....it is already August 8th! Miles to go before I sleep...and time is flying by!!

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