Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The HBS blunder.....

Bokaa was disappointed for the past two days...but he has to focus on Wharton and Chicago due this week and the next respectively.

I made a couple of REALLY silly mistakes in my HBS application :( In the Starting Salary section of my current job I added an additional zero! Though it will definitely be perceived as an unintentional mistake as my starting salary becomes 10 times my current.

In the self reported transcripts, I mentioned the term dates for two semesters incorrectly. One semester goes on for a year and another for two years based on what I have filled :(

I had put in a lot into my HBS app and such mistakes were the last thing I wanted. But, I realize that mulling over it will solve no purpose. I just hope the adcomm likes my essays and the overall application and gives me a chance to explain.....sometimes life just hits you hard on the chin.

Pray for me fellas....


Anonymous said...

dont worry, maybe they wont even notice - you my want to check out in case they do have an option of updating these minor things (some schools do)
if not, just get on to other essays, and ensure all your forms are filled out right now, without any further delay - i've filled out my forms 2 weeks back, even though I'm now going for round 2. It helps!

mbarunnergirl said...

don't think about it! you'll drive yourself crazy!

best of luck on wharton and chicago.

Anonymous said...


Nice blog you've got man. Been following it through the last couple of months (I'm too lazy to have mine). I am Indian too, CA, working in Mumbai in M&A division at a big 4, 3 years work ex.. Applying to almsot the same places as u - HBS & Wharton - R1, perhaps Stanford but a bit intimidated by it. I too put in a lot of effort for HBS but committed blunders. At three or four places in the pdf, what I'd entered got cut. And I'm feeling gutted too. Let's hope they look at the application as a whole and ignore these minor blunders.


Mike said...

I'm with you guys. Despite 3 proofreads of the application before submitting, for some reason I decided to look at the app again over the weekend and discovered two spelling errors- one on the data form and one on the self-reported transcript. Stupid typos, and like you guys it's frustrating to have those little mistakes slip through after all the hours of work.

Here's hoping they forgive us for being human.

maverick said...

shit happens...just forget it and hope for the best..all the best for ur apps!

maverick said...

Shit happens...just forget it and hope for the best. All the best for ur apps!