Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why is writing about yourself so time consuming?

I was just wondering that is it only me or everyone on the MBA apps boat is going through it? When I start writing, time flies by so quickly. Before I know, couple of hours have gone by and I have ended up writing just 200-250 words :(

Is this happening only to me? I think and think and think and think.....and then end up writing a few sentences. Then, I keep staring at what I wrote and somehow it does not seem right. I end up restructuring or rewording the same thought.

Considering the fact that I am just trying to complete a pen picture of my life and am not even down to the essays yet, am I being too hard on myself? Am I trying to be a perfectionist? Or is this the way I am?

Any thoughts or a similar experience??!


Dew said...

Bokaa its the same with me.

even i m feeling frustrated now... i dont even like the few lines i write
and sometimes even after a whole weekend i do not have anything on paper.

But i think its a phase that most of the applicants go thru..maybe we will be ok in some time :)

good luck

Vivid said...

I am almost in the same boat..
Trying hard to think about myself and its really tiring :D..
You seemed to have successfully passed that phase..
Any suggestions on how one can go about reflecting on one's life? Esp when it comes to achievements n long term goals its all the more difficult..
Wrt to the recommenders, how did u nail down on whom to chose. Well the choices arent many, yet I want to be sure that I am making the right choice..

TIA for your inputs..